Friday, 6 March 2009

Type Poster.

We also had to produce a poster that introduced the new typeface. Showing how it could be used in context etc.
I didn't want to distract the attention away from the font, so kept the design to a minimum, and this is the result.
Currently being exhibited as part of 'Fontastic' alongside classmates posters (which are all excellent) in the Vis Comm foyer. A really inspiring and diverse mix of type designs.

Type Project.

For our type project, we were asked to produce a type face that reflected us. I wanted to design something fun and interesting.

Here is 'Trident'. A typeface I created based on the angles and structure of triangles. Each letter form being made up from columns and rows of the coloured polygons. I wanted the font to become a pattern in itself. I feel the use of shapes and colours incorporated into the letters has helped to achieve this.

ps. I do realise that 'Trident' may be a name of some sort of denture or mint product, but I liked the name, and felt it suited :)